The Paradigms They Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile
There are four major themes that are and will become the context and framework of research and scholarship in the 21st Century: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile:
Open >
Open Access / Open Data / Open Peer Review / Open Research
Semantic >
Audio / Interactivity / Supplemental Content / Video
Social >
Science Blogging / Social Bookmarking / Social Networking / Social Software
Mobile >
Mobile Access / Mobile Content / Mobile Data / Mobile Research
In scheduled presentation(s), we will briefly profile select developments related to these major themes and speculate on their potential evolution and impact on research and scholarship in the coming decade(s).
In June I Will Give Four (4) Invited Presentations On The Topic(s) In Ireland At
The National Library Of Ireland, Dublin (June 4 / 1:00 PM)
Lecture : The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship / Thursday / 4 June 2009 / 1.00 PM / Seminar Room / Admission Free / Booking Is Not Required
PPT Now Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/DublinParadigms.ppt] [06-22-09] [161]
The National University of Ireland - Galway (June 5 / 1:00 PM)
Library Seminar: The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile /Friday / 5 June / 1300 / Library Meeting Room, Basement Level, James Hardiman Library
Note: Sandwiches will be provided, so please contact Aoife Harrington (aoife.harrington@nuigalway.ie or ext. 2593) in advance for catering purposes.
PowerPoint Now Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/GalwayParadigms.ppt] [06-22-09] [93 Slides]
The University College Cork, Cork (June 8 / 10:00 AM)
Boole Lecture Theatre 2 / Co-Sponsored by Ionad Bairre
PowerPoint Now Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/CorkParadigms.ppt] [06-22-09] [122 Slides]
Audio/Video (1:24:04) Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/ParadigmsCork.m4v] (750.2 MB)
[QuickTime / iTunes]
>> Introduced By Crónán Ó Doibhlin / Sub-Librarian / Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services / George Boole Library / University College Cork>> Thanks To Stephen Yearl / Library Digital Projects Officer ; Michael Tobin / Information Technology Analyst / Library Information Technology Services Services // Boole Library / College Cork For Providing (07-09/09)
The University of Limerick, Limerick (June 9 / 2:30 PM).
Symposium: Social Networking Services at Third-Level: Trends and Developments: "The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship (Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile)" / Tuesday / June 9th 2009 / 2.30 pm / Charles Parsons Lecture Theatre / All welcome
Contact Dr. Tríona Hourigan for further information.Tel: 00 353 (0) 61 234675
PowerPoint Now Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/LimerickParadigms.ppt] [06-22-09] [103 slides]
Combined / Master PowerPoint Presentation Available At
[http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/Paradigms.ppt] [06-22-09] [270 Slides]
Thank You > Thank You > Thank You > Thank You >
I would like to thank the following individuals/organizations for their support, generosity, and hospitality during our Magical Visit To Ireland
National Library Of Ireland, Dublin
Joanna Finegan / Assistant Keeper / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin
Sarah Shiel / Executive Education Assistant / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin
National University of Ireland, Galway
John Cox / Acting Librarian / James Hardiman Library /National University of Ireland, Galway
Niall McSweeney / Head of Information / James Hardiman Library / National University of Ireland, Galway
University College Cork, Cork
Crónán Ó Doibhlin / Sub-Librarian / Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services / George Boole Library / University College Cork
Stephen Yearl / Library Digital Projects Officer / George Boole Library / University College Cork
Ionad Bairre / University College Cork
University of Limerick, Limerick
Mícheál Ó hAodha / Librarian, Science & Engineering (CSIS, ECE, MAE, MOE) / Lewis L. Glucksman Library / University of Limerick
Brian Fitzgerald / Vice-President Research / Frederick A Krehbiel II Chair in Innovation in Global Business & Technology/ University of Limerick
Institute for the Study of Knowledge in Society / University of Limerick
Iowa State University Library / Travel and Research Funds Committee
If you are interested in information about any / all of these presentations, please contact me at gerrymck@iastate.edu
In order to ascertain the particular interests of potential attendees to my presentation titled "The Paradigms Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open > Semantic > Social > Mobile" , I would most appreciate your responses to a questionnaire requesting attendee preferences for a particular presentation
Please Note That All Responses Are Confidential And Will Only Be Used To Focus The Topics Of My Presentation.
I created a survey for potential attendees for each of the venues noted above and ask that potential attendees only complete the survey for the individual presentation they expect to attend:
National Library of Ireland, Dublin [http://tinyurl.com/lemfnl]
National University of Irealnd, Galway [http://tinyurl.com/l3vn5y]
University College Cork [http://tinyurl.com/m3bbkh]
University of Limerick [http://tinyurl.com/kn6kb4]
I will customize a prepared general presentation to reflect the specific preferences of probable attendees at a particular venue.
By July 1 2009 I will post the customized presentations as well as a Director's Cut that combines each with additional content.
NOTE: I have also created a survey for probable non-attendees:
Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.
1) Open 2) Semantic 3) Social 4) Mobile
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